A certified copy of this Constitution is available upon request

  • The name of this organization shall be the Pre-Student Osteopathic Medical Association at Lincoln Memorial University, DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine, here forth referred to as Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM.

  • The purpose of Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM is to promote and inform the public about osteopathic medical education, to increase the number of applicants to the DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine, and to prepare our members for entrance into the DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine.

  • SECTION 1: Membership to Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM is open to any person currently enrolled in Lincoln Memorial University as a Full-Time Undergraduate student.

    SECTION 2: Members of the Guaranteed Professional Acceptance program at LMU-DCOM are automatically enrolled as members of Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM

    SECTION 3: Funds collected by Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM should be kept in a university approved bank account and use of funds will abide by university rules and regulations.

    SECTION 4: Chapter dues will not be collected; this is subject to change at the discretion of the Executive Leadership Board of Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM

    SECTION 5: Requirements for member voting privileges.
                    SUBSECTION 1: Voting members must be member of the National Pre-Student  Osteopathic Medical Association.

                    SUBSECTION 2: A quorum is established as 2/3

  • SECTION 1: The Executive Leadership Board shall be made up of: a President that is elected by the club members, a Vice President that is selected by the President, a Secretary that is elected by the club members, and a Treasurer that is elected by the club members.

    SECTION 2: The Executive Leadership Board shall have the authority to review each topic to be discussed at club meetings and recommend specific changes to be made prior to its presentation.

    SECTION 3: Executive Board members will attend weekly meetings at a time and day of their choosing.

    SECTION 4: Executive Board members who fail to uphold the duties and responsibilities of their position as outlined in this constitution will be addressed by club members and the President. If members still fail to comply, their position will be assessed by the remainder of the Executive Board.

    SECTION 5: The Executive Leadership Board reserves the right to establish officer or committee positions as they see fit. Additionally, officer positions described below may be altered so long as duties outlined in the above position description are completed by the officer structure of Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM. Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM reserves the right to conduct elections for officer positions in a manner they see fit, so long as the election process is deemed fair and proper by the participating parties (See Article V. for more information).

    SECTION 6: The Executive Leadership Board will choose one or more faculty or staff advisors to consult with on matters of procedure and programs. In the absence of all officers of the Executive Leadership Board, the faculty/staff advisor may function as president pro-tempore. In no circumstances except as stated above, shall the advisor be given voting privileges or direct control of any kind over the disbursement of funds or the direction of Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM.

    SECTION 7: President: The primary duty of the Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM president will be to be responsible for the overall success of the organization. The president will also be required to be present to: Call to order and preside over meetings, represent the organization outside of the group whenever necessary and, fulfill any other duties the group sees fit. It is the president’s primary role to see that Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM promotes the goals of the National Pre-SOMA; that Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM promotes and informs the public about osteopathic medical education, works to increase the number of applicants to the DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine and work to prepare members for entrance into LMU-DCOM.

    SECTION 8: Vice President: The duties of the vice president will be to perform the duties of the president in the president’s absence. Additional duties may include organizing speakers or activities or overseeing committee groups.

    SECTION 9: Secretary: The duties of the secretary will be to keep the business records of Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM, to conduct correspondence, and to take minutes at the meetings. Additionally, the secretary is responsible for sending an annual listing of members to the National Pre-SOMA and sending an annual report of activities to National Pre-SOMA.

    SECTION 10: Treasurer: The duties of the Treasurer will be to administer the financial affairs of Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM. The treasure along side the president and advisor will be responsible for opening a financial account for Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM. All collected monies will be deposited into this account.

    SECTION 11: The duties of the NLO or national liaison officer will include correspondence with the National Pre-SOMA organization and communication between National and Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM.

  • Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM will hold elections in the Spring, with new officers taking leadership at the beginning of the fall semester. Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM may conduct elections in a manner they see fit, so long as the election process is deemed fair and proper by the participating parties. In no circumstance shall a term of office exceed one calendar year. In the event of an emergency election, the elected officer will serve the remainder of the term until the next election.

  • Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM may be amended by the Executive Leadership Board and ratified by a 2/3 quorum.

  • Ratification of the Pre-SOMA at LMU-DCOM chapter constitution shall become effective upon a 2/3 quorum vote of the members present.

  • A. A National Pre-SOMA charter can be obtained by printing a copy of this National Pre-SOMA Constitution, affixing a signature of the local chapter’s president and one additional officer, and mailing it to the National Pre-SOMA Office. Additionally, the local Pre-SOMA chapter applying for a charter should include a current membership list and a list of planned activities for the academic year. The mailing should include a signed copy of the “Obtaining and Maintaining a National Pre-SOMA Charter” document and a signed copy of the “Verification of Student Organization Status” document, both available on the Pre-SOMA website: A chapter constitution must be drafted and submitted to National Pre-SOMA within 6 months of the request for recognition as a Pre-SOMA chapter. Please see the Pre-SOMA guide for instructions on constitution writing.

    B. Maintaining a National Pre-SOMA charter will require that the local chapter secretary or designee mails an annual Officer Update Form by July 1 st to the National Pre-SOMA Director ( A list of planned activities will be due annually by September 25th, and End-of-Semester Reports are due by January 15 th for Fall semester and June 15 th for Spring semester. An updated membership list should be included with each of the other required documents in order to track membership growth and decline.

    C. Each nationally recognized Pre-SOMA member will maintain national membership until the stated “estimated date of matriculation into osteopathic medical school” on their application. Members who wish to maintain national Pre-SOMA membership after this date must rejoin to renew their membership.

    D. Failure to comply by the above requests will result in the local Pre-SOMA chapter not being recognized by the American Osteopathic Association, the Student Osteopathic Medical Association or National Pre-SOMA. If requirements to maintain the charter are not met, the local charter will be revoked for 1 academic year, and the local chapter may reapply for a charter the following academic year. In extenuating circumstances, please contact the National Pre-SOMA Director and this person will work with the local chapter to maintain the charter.

“The Body is a unit; a harmonious whole made up of mutually dependent parts.“

- Dr. Andrew Taylor Still